Forth Sunday of the Great Fast: St. John Climacus
SATURDAY, March 29
4:30PM—5:00PM Mystery of Repentance
5:30PM Vigil Divine Liturgy of St. Basil
SUNDAY, March 30
9:00AM—9:30AM Mystery of Repentance
10:00AM Divine Liturgy of St. Basil (Livestreamed)
12:15PM ECF for children & Adult Education
Next Parish Event:
Sunday, April 6 -no meat or dairy-
*Mystery of Repentance also available by appointment
You may donate to Epiphany of Our Lord through Tithe.ly.Com, thank you so much for you continued generosity!
Sunday of the Cross
See our YouTube Channel for Live-Streamed Liturgy
We are Byzantine Catholics.
"The Catholic Church is a communion of churches. It is made up of churches from the Eastern Tradition and the Western Tradition. Eastern Catholics are in union with Rome. We share the same basic faith and the same mysteries (sacraments), however, our way of expressing them follows the same tradition as the Orthodox churches. In reality, there are many Eastern churches, each with its own heritage and theology, liturgy and discipline.
Jesus sent his disciples to the four corners of the world to spread the Gospel. Eventually, four great centers of Christianity emerged with distinctive Christian customs, but the same faith. These centers were Jerusalem, Antioch, Rome and Alexandria. A few centuries later when the capital of the Roman Empire was moved to the Eastern city of Byzantium, later renamed Constantinople, an adaptation of the Antioch celebration of the liturgy was made. From this powerful cultural center the Byzantine church emerged."
(Radvansky, Joseph. A Brief Explanation of the Eastern Catholic Churches, Introduction)
Thus the Byzantine Catholic Church is an Eastern Church in union with Rome; Carpatho-Rusyn in background and flavor, but indeed an American Eastern Church celebrating the Gospel in words, symbols, and action. We are unique in our mystical theology, blending the colors of our many ikons with the congregational acapella chants; raising up our hands and our fragrant incense in prayer and inviting you to come and see who we are and what we are all about as part of the Eastern half of the Universal Church.
The seven Mysteries of the Church bring us into full communion with the Holy Trinity
Our parish does not shy from opportunities to get together and celebrate. The small size of our congregation allows for intimate and familial relationships.
If you have any questions about the Byzantine tradition or who we are, please give us a call, send us an email, or better yet, come and see us in person.
Open today | 10:00 am – 04:00 pm |